You have an innovative idea and would like to found a startup in Rhineland-Palatinate? The Startup Office RLP will support you along the way. We provide all the information you need in one place – whether you want to get advice, exchange ideas with like-minded people, or engage in networking within the startup scene.


To this end, we work closely with relevant players in the startup scene  – such as Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz (ISB), the chambers of commerce and industry, and the chambers of crafts and trades. Because together we are all pursuing one goal: to advance your startup in the best possible way.

Team, sitzend am Boden mit Laptop und Notizen

Starting a business and self-employment

Are you looking to start your own business or do you want to become self-employed in your profession?

Founding a startup in Rhineland-Palatinate: what sets our location apart

Working together, we can make good ideas even better – by relying on
exchange, tightly woven networks, and targeted funding.

A clear location policy: together with Rhineland-Palatinate’s ISB, we make it
easier for companies to get started in our region.

Dovetailing of business and science: research, startups, and private
enterprise work closely together.

Doing work where others go on vacation: whether it’s idyllic natural settings or
wine festivals, our surroundings help get work-life balance right.

Your path to a startup: contact points at a glance

From an initial idea to a business plan to implementation, contact points on the state and federal levels can answer your questions about founding a startup and accompany you every step of the way. If you have specific concerns, it is best to contact the respective experts directly.

Talking about money: financing and grants

Founding a startup requires not only an innovative idea but also some seed capital. Finding suitable financing can be especially difficult for unprecedented business ideas and ventures that use new technologies. Find out here which financing options, grants, and competitions are available to young startups in Rhineland-Palatinate

Grants is aimed at startup founders who have recently implemented their innovative ideas or are about to do so. The startup stipend includes financial support in the amount of 1,000 euros per month for a maximum of twelve months, the opportunity to engage in exchange with others in startup networks, and a virtual accelerator program.

Innovative startups founded no more than three years prior to the time of application may participate in the startup innovativ funding program. The maximum funding amount is 100,000 euros and the grant is awarded for a period of twelve months, with recipients selected through a competition.

Young and innovative enterprises with prospects for growth can apply for venture and equity capital from Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz (ISB). The equity capital is provided in the form of direct investments (acquisition of company shares) and/or silent participations taken with the purpose of bolstering the economic equity capital of the applicant company.



Competitions are an opportunity for young companies to make contacts and present their innovative ideas to both a professional audience and the general public. Get an overview here of the opportunities available in Rhineland-Palatinate.


As part of a multistage selection process, the state of Rhineland-Palatinate annually awards the Rhineland-Palatinate Founders’ Prize in three categories. A jury of experts selects the winners. Factors such as innovative strength and the creativity of the startup idea are taken into account. 

This competition offers all Rhineland-Palatinate residents the opportunity to submit their creative ideas. This includes innovative products, services, or processes that advance existing ideas or that do not yet exist in such form. .


Create a sound business plan, make valuable contacts, participate in coaching sessions and workshops – the 1, 2, 3 Go business plan competition makes this and more possible. Experts accompany the participants, creating the best conditions for successfully starting a business after the certified participation. 

The Rhineland-Palatinate Innovation Award is conferred annually in four categories. Companies that offer or develop innovative products, processes, or services and are based in Rhineland-Palatinate may apply. A jury decides how the prize money of 60,000 euros is distributed among the winners. 

Together with Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken Rhineland-Palatinate and the regional public television station SWR, Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz annually awards the Pioneering Spirit Prize in three levels as well as a special prize. Trailblazing enterprises that create new products, technologies, and services are recognized.

Startup@RLP international

Young companies in particular benefit from trade fairs and trips abroad when they are looking to enter new foreign markets. The Ministry for Economics, Transport, Agriculture, and Viniculture of Rhineland-Palatinate therefore supports a limited number of interested startups with a lump-sum travel allowance for a selection of trade fairs and trips. Want to learn more? The Startup Office can help:



Team gibt Handshake

Getting off to a flying start together: networks and communities for startups

Whether it’s fine-tuning a business plan or providing support in the initial startup phase – exchanging ideas with like-minded people and experts often makes good ideas even better. Here in Rhineland-Palatinate, startups can find numerous resources to draw on – from consulting and coaching to networking and all the way through to co-working spaces and events


Startup and innovation centers

Co-workingand exchange

Startup Board Rhineland-Palatinate: keeping an eye on the startup scene

A strong startup ecosystem for a strong innovation scene: that’s what the Startup Board of Rhineland-Palatinate strives to achieve. The committee includes representatives of startup stakeholders active throughout the region, such as Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz, the chambers of industry and commerce, the chambers of crafts and trades, regionally located technology and startup centers, and startups. The members regularly meet with Minister of Economics Daniela Schmitt to talk about challenges they face as well as to share success stories from the startup scene in Rhineland-Palatinate. In close cooperation with the Startup Office RLP, the committee determines how the current offers for funding and support can be further optimized and recommends potential ways to do this.

Your Startup Office Team

Referat Existenzgründungen, Startup Office, Kreativwirtschaft, Technologietransfer, Digitalisierung in der Wirtschaft

Daniela Liersch

T: +49 (0) 6131 16 5681Daniela.Liersch(at)

Referat Existenzgründungen, Startup Office, Kreativwirtschaft, Technologietransfer, Digitalisierung in der Wirtschaft

Dr. Marlene Gottwald

T: +49 (0) 6131 16 5830Marlene.Gottwald(at)